L-R in the photo: Former Sabre Rhett Warrener, Bonnie MacIver-Mariani, Frank Mariani, Chuck Collard, Carole Ann Barnett Collard, Megan Crawford
Hi everyone! I like to wait until the post-race work is just about done, and then after we present the check to the Courage of Carly Fund, before posting here on Facebook. There is so much to say about the Lindsay`s Legacy 5K Run Finale, so many emotions! I`ll try to keep it brief.
I`d like to first start off with a huge thank you to the many volunteers that make the day (and weeks, and months) go so smoothly. You have all worked so very hard to make our race one of THE most successful 5K Runs held in the Western New York area each year. Countless volunteers very graciously give up their time and energy far ahead of race day (we start in February), to make sure that all the details are taken care of, just so that things can go off that day without a hitch. Their contributions to the success of our event is immeasurable. The only factor that we can`t control each year is the weather. We have been very blessed all these years in that respect. In fact, did you all notice what the weather was like the week after the race? Can you imagine all that snow on race day?
Everyone here in the City of Tonawanda - past and current administrations, the City on Tonawanda Police and Fire Departments, the City of Tonawanda Common Council, and countless more - were supportive of our event from the get-go, and we truly appreciate it!
Our post-race raffle this year was once again a hit! So many individuals and businesses have stepped up each year to donate products, gift certificates, homemade baskets, and more, making our raffle very successful. One of our biggest prizes this year was a huge (almost full size) cut out of Josh Allen hurdling in mid-air. I don`t have to tell you how well that was received! Thank you to Streamline Designs for their generosity in donating it.
As I sit here writing this, so many snapshots of years gone by are flashing before me. Thankfully, Lorich Photography captured many of them. We started this journey in 2005, one year after Lindsay left us. She has been our guiding force through it all and through her, our event has successfully raised increased awareness of the need for pediatric cancer research. This year alone, we donated $15,500 to the Courage of Carly Fund (formerly Carly`s Club), for an accumulative total of over $225,000! We, as a family, and as a community, are very proud of this. And, although we have made the very difficult decision to have this year be our last, we will not give up the fight. We will do something to keep Lindsay`s name, and this cause, out there.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!
With love, Lindsay`s Legacy 5K